Monday, April 18, 2011

"How do we maintain or increase Australian prices?"

"How do we maintain or increase Australian prices?" is simple. Just repeat how we got here:

1. Encourage speculation via the tax system

2. Allow negative gearing for purchase of existing dwellings

3. Allow interest only loans for the 'business' of renting residential property

4. Treat homes as a shelter for tax dodgers and not shelter for families

5. Increase population but fail to release a corresponding amount of land

6. Allow banks to run very high Loan to Valuation Ratios (LVR 97 per cent still available)

7. Banks to use e-valuations in-house to arrive at the most unrealistic RE valuation

8. While one is at it, publish childrens fairy tales in the MSM such as RE values doube every 7 years

9. Banks to ignore the poverty line limit when signing up naïve FHBs

10. Allow 100 per centdeductions on investment costs but give 50 per centdiscount on Capital Gains Tax

11. Allow visitors to this country (temporary residents) to join in the speculation

12. Employ staff at RBA who are incapable of noticing lending by the Big4 brats is out of control

13. Increase the FHB Bribe from $7,000 up to $21,000

14. Allow SMSF to invest in residential mortgages

15. Foster an atmosphere where the general public treats their home as an ATM

16. Media to drum into the heads of sleep-walking public that RE prices only ever go up

17. Repeat until it is mantric that Australia is different to every other market in the world

18. Televise home renovations as a kind of entertainment, eg. 'The Block', 'Location, Location', 'Bigger Fool' etc."

Joe Khantong

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Property useful link

This one is for previous selling history. Not free for Wa results.
This one for finding property's that have reduced their price
This one to find out selling and rental listing history
This one to find out what infrastructure/transport/amenities are close
Then google maps for streetview to take a virtual walk down the street

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Creating Wealth Through Property Investing

Developing wealth and inheriting wealth requires two different sets of emotions, goals, determination and ambition. Why is it that some people born poor end up rich or even mega rich?

The difference is ACTION!

How many times have you made plans to save money, to invest money, to pay off a credit card, or even better to cancel a credit card, and seriously start building wealth?

There are many a wealthy person who started out poor and through their own endeavors, grit determination and foresight, have built considerable wealth and amassed a fortune. Here are just a few people who have made it through sheer determination:

Oprah Winfrey – one of the world’s richest woman. Born to a teenage mum Oprah had a checkered childhood but rose above it all to create her TV talk show and is now worth over $2.4 billion.

Steve Jobs – co-founder of Apple, now reputedly worth more than $5.5 billion, but he dropped out of Reed College because he could not afford tuition. He started Apple in his parents’ garage in 1976.

J.K. Rowling – the author of “Harry Potter” and the movie series. Currently worth $1 billion her wealth is sure to grow with ongoing royalties. Who would have thought that a book series could have been so successful. This author overcome suicidal thoughts to succeed.

Sure you might say, “but they are only a few of millions”, and that is right but hey,even though they have this incredible wealth who is to say that people have to have that sort of money to live a very comfortable lifestyle. It is up to each and every one of us to set our goals and have our dreams. What makes me happy probably does not make you happy. Your goals are not mine, and my goals are not yours.

But at the end of the day, if we do not start taking baby steps with our wealth creation we will be in the same position in ten years time as we are today.

Today is the time to start changing our future.